Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Day at the Park

This is Garrett's regular morning routine: wake up, put on Mickey Mouse, and sniff his blanket. This is him the morning of the day I was induced.
These pics are a few days late. We went to the park the day I was induced, so I never had time to post them before I had the baby. Then I wanted to post the new baby pics first. Anyway, we had a fun time. Garrett loves being outside, and Earl had a little too much fun, as well!

I also wanted to shout out a HUGE thank you to our awesome friends, Bryan and Brittany, for letting us use their camera! Ours broke right in time for this babe to be born, so we wouldn't have any of these pictures if it weren't for them! Love you guys!

1 comment:

Rowbury Adventures said...

ohh congrats on your new baby she's so beautiful!! your family is so dang cute!